Scanny 13th January 2023

Kirby, you honestly were one of the most genuine and beautiful souls I ever had the pleasure of meeting. I watched you grow from a little girl of about 13 who used to stick her head on the ironing board while one of her mates ironed her hair, to a woman who was there for everyone and gave her all to everyone. It breaks my heart that you were in such a bad place but I refuse to let that be my lasting memory of you. I chose to remember the smile I saw whenever you walked in a room, the silly jokes, the random messages you used to send me, the laughs we have had over the years and the warmth you carried with you. You were one of the first and only one of my friends to contact me when I got with Jill, to tell me how happy you were that I was so happy. That meant everything to me and just sums up perfectly the person you were. You genuinely did root for other people and were genuinely happy when others succeeded in life. If the world had more people like you, it would be a greater place for everyone. I hope and pray that you are at peace now you little legend. God bless you queen kitch ya little bitch 😂 I love you little sis xxx